Dampak Teknologi Internet Terhadap Pendidikan Tinggi

Di zaman yang serba teknologi ini, Internet telah memberikan dampak yang sangat besar pada seluruh sektor yang ada di dunia. Pada blog ini, saya akan membagikan informasi terkait dampak teknologi internet terhadap sektor pendidikan tinggi.

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Sebelum ada internet, proses belajar dan mengajar di perguruan tinggi masih sederhana dan cenderung menggunakan alat-konvensional. Contohnya yaitu, saat menyampaikan materi Dosen masih sering menggunakan media berupa papan tulis, sehingga waktu akan banyak digunakan untuk menulis materi di papan tulis tersebut. Para Dosen dan Mahasiswa pun memiliki akses yang terbatas terhadap berita, informasi, bahkan ilmu pengetahuan karena kurangnya media untuk menyebarkan informasi.

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Setelah ada internet, proses belajar mengajar di perguruan tinggi mulai mengalami banyak perkembangan sesuai dengan semakin canggihnya teknologi. Para Dosen dan Mahasiswa pada saat ini telah memiliki kemudahan dalam mengakses segala informasi yang ada di dunia. Proses pembelajaran pun mulai beralih ke alat-alat digital. Misal saat Dosen akan menampilkan materi, Dosen hanya perlu menggunakan proyektor.

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Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang sangat pesat tentu membawa banyak sekali dampak positif bagi kehidupan manusia. Beberapa dampak positifnya di sektor pendidikan tinggi antara lain mempermudah akses terhadap informasi, membantu mahasiswa agar waktu menjadi lebih efisien, memudahkan sistem administrasi di perguruan tinggi, dan tentunya memudahkan komunikasi. Akan tetapi, dampak negatif juga tak dapat dihindarkan. Contoh dampak negatif di sektor pendidikan tinggi yaitu biaya yang diperlukan lebih mahal, Mahasiswa menjadi cenderung kurang bersosialisasi karena lebih tergantung kepada alat komunikasi secara tidak langsung yang berbasis teknologi. Memperbesar peluang terjadinya plagiarisme di kalangan mahasiswa, informasi-informasi palsu atau HOAX yang menyebar tak terkendali,dan dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan tubuh (seperti mata rabun, postur tubuh bermasalah, dll).

The Impact Of The Internet On Society

Are you aware that the internet has become one of the most important things nowadays? In the past, the internet was still not as fast and sophisticated as it is now and not many human activities depend on the internet. But now, due to technological developments, various fields have started to rely on support from the internet. For example, now money can be stored and used in digital form, and we can even have a meeting without actually meeting someone. From these examples, we can see that the internet brings many positive impact. However, it is undeniable that the internet also has a negative impact on human life.

In everyday life, we communicate via the internet. The internet is able to connect one area to another, even though the distance is very far. This is one advantage gained from the internet. Through the internet, we can communicate with people from different cities, islands, and even countries. We can also get almost all information through the internet. This will make it easier for workers to work and students to learn. The information that is packaged on the internet also varies, from writing, photos, to videos. All can be searched and used according to our respective interests.

The internet also plays an important role in the field of work, one of which is business. Today, many businesses from various fields are running through the internet. Therefore, business transactions will be easier and more profitable for entrepreneurs and business people. Through the internet, we can carry out various effective promotional methods according to the products we offer.

However, behind the convenience we get from the internet, there are dangers that can happen to us. Many applications or sites require users to fill in personal information. If this information is misused, it will of course harm the owner of the information. This personal information can be used by irresponsible people to benefit themselves. Various threats such as hacking on the internet can harm our personal information.

The internet can also lead to anti-social behavior. A person can use the internet for hours without stopping. Therefore, many children are more often in their rooms and playing the internet than going outside and doing social activities with their peers. This is one of the bad effects of the internet. Someone who just sticks to the internet and doesn't interact directly is not a good thing.

When playing on the internet for too long, so you have to stare at the cellphone or laptop screen for too long, it will affect the eyes. If this is done continuously, it will have a bad impact on eyesight. Another case that often occurs is that excessive internet use makes insomnia, sleep hours will be messy and health will be disturbed. Another thing that can happen is, when you are busy playing the internet, you can sometimes forget to do other things, such as eat. This will also affect the health of the body.

There are many more examples of the negative impact of the internet, such as online scam, cyber bullying, pornography, internet addiction, etc. So, we need to be wise in using the internet to minimize those negative impacts. We can also anticipate it through early education, parental supervision, information filtering, and restrictions on internet use.